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Chai with CAAM w/ Seva Van Why

Seva Van Why is an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner, teacher, chef, body worker, and author. Her journey with Ayurveda began in the early 1990's and since then she has studied under renowned teachers and continuously deepened her understanding of this ancient healing art. Seva joins us this month to introduce Marma Point Energetics- a look at Marma and Polarity Therapy.

Marma Therapy is the practice of interacting with the 107 Marma Points of the body to bring balance to the body, mind, and spirit. In this webinar we will learn aobut the Marma Point Energetics and how this therapy works. Polarity Therapy is an ancient art of harmonizing energy and when coupled with Pranic Healing via Marma Therapy, can activate one's self-healing potential. Working with the Ayurvedic system of Marma points facilitates profound healing for the body, mind, and consciousness- your own and your clients! 

November 9

Ayurveda Day Southern California

January 12

Neurology Workshop Series